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Before you start...
Welcome (3:04)
You're commitment to yourself (plus your bonus)
Week 1 - Where are you and where do you want to go?
Let's do this thing! (10:09)
A word on weight loss stalls and expectations for weight loss (5:04)
Welcome Webinar Recording (22:16)
Week 2 - Getting your diet back on track
Pillar 1 - The bariatric food pyramid (13:21)
Planning your meals (7:43)
Sample meal plans!
A note on reading food labels (9:08)
Week 3 - Getting your eating habits back on track
Pillar 2 - Eating habits (14:43)
An introduction to eating mindfullly
Food & Mood Journal - try the journal as an awareness exercise
40 Things to do when you want to eat but aren't hungry!
Week 4 - Getting your movement back on track
Pillar 3 - Movement (15:44)
Good resources to help you get started
A note on being active at work! (5:29)
Week 5 - Self care: lifestyle habits for success
PIllar 4 - Lifestyle habits for success (18:04)
Resources to help you get Pillar 4 back on track
A Note on Supplements
Week 6 - Staying on Track!
Putting it all together (14:16)
Dealing with self-sabotage and trashing your triggers (21:11)
A last little note...
Wrap up Webinar Recording (14:56)
A last little note...
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